Sunday, October 3, 2010

You should eat this...

You should eat it and you will feel all better. If you know someone who is sad they should eat it and they will feel all better.

If you know someone who sucks, you can throw it at their head because it weighs two pounds and comes one piece in a nifty aluminum tray.

That way after they fall down, you can run over and grab it and skip away.

Binky and I are working on a Top Secret Flavor. Meaning I whined and whined and she agreed to give it a go. But it's Top Secret so you have to wait until she makes it all fabulous and stuff.

Fudge is kinda like cupcakes for me, I'm usually let down by the actual product, but this stuff is awesome.


  1. The picture alone has added inches to my butt............

  2. Thanks Goat! You have been a great taste tester..ha ha

  3. That shit is good. Ive tried 3 kinds so far and it actually does take me back to Mackinac (went there a lot as a kid).

    I was much thinner then.
